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Bible (K-8th)  


 At the beginning of each school day, students will hear stories read from the Bible as we follow the weekly layout of God's Great Covenant Old Testament 2:  Samuel through Malachi.  This curriculum will provide the foundation for our Bible time for our students at Heritage each week.   We hope that families will follow up at home and delight in learning together.  




Here is what the publisher says about the study:  

"The Bible tells us God’s story. It has many parts, but from beginning to end it is one story with a promise throughout: “I will be your God, and you will be My people.” Through this story, we learn who God is, who mankind is, how the world came to be, and how God worked through history to bring redemption to His people. The God’s Great Covenant series will narrate this story for your student in an engaging and unique way.

"God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 2: A Bible Course for Children continues to follow the journey of God’s people as they become the nation of Israel. By chronologically studying the second half of the Old Testament from Samuel to Malachi, students will see how the God of Israel keeps and renews His covenant with His people. Students will also learn the ways in which the Old Testament forecasts the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The text studies various prophets in their contexts so their lives and words can be understood in relation to their own times as well as times to come."  

For more information and sample lessons, click here to visit the Classical Academic Press website.   Please note that we will not be using the workbooks at Heritage.   

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