Art: Elements of Drawing and Design
Our God is a master artist and creation sings his praise. As his people, we are made to be creative. This class is designed to expose students to various art techniques and media, including pencil, marker, watercolor, pastel, mixed media, and more. Through structured projects, students will learn the basic elements of art (line, shape, color, and texture), drawing and design, three-dimensional study, perspective, composition, color theory, and basic art vocabulary. Artists and art history from the historical time period in focus (2021-2022- Christendom: Middle Ages, Renaissance, & Reformation) will be studied.
Upper elementary, junior high, and high school students will visit a local artist or gallery during the year. Student artwork will be displayed at two art shows during the year. We look forward to helping each child use his God given talent for structured creativity.
For returning students, this course will build on the techniques learned in previous school year(s); it is also appropriate for students with no formal art background. Art assignments will be tailored to the level and ability of each student.